Tuesday 21 June 2011

Nuisances of the art world

When i say a Salient World i often wonder how many people would stop and view the world the same way.  For example, when i wake up early morning i see the sun shining through the blinds and it gives me a slight yenning to run outside naked and dance in the morning sunlight whilst shouting my love to the world, covering myself in paint and running through hordes of canvasses to create art that expresses my feelings of love for life  as passers by stare in disbelief at my nude form. Sadly not enough people feel this way and i experience them all too often within my daily life.

A good example of these panjandrums of the miserable world can be found in art galleries all across the globe, now don't get me wrong i adore art and can think of nothing better to pass the time than browsing the latest exhibition or meandering around the works of some famous sculptor in your local museums or galleries. What agitates me about these places is their lack of genuine people who for some unearthly reason think they are the epitome of the art world and therefore assume the role of the all seeing arty eye.
Ok on to who i am talking about, surely you have seen those women in the art galleries, they all have permed and frizzed hair and have taken to muumuu wearing as the latest fashion statement, they also have HUGE ear hoops and more necklace beads than a tribal chieftain and seem to have pontificated opinions about what art is and why art should be the way they think it should be, regardless of what art may or may not actually be. The last time i was visiting the Tate Liverpool i was unfortunate enough to run into one or two groups of these "enlightening" individuals who stared at me like i was nothing more than a turd to be flushed away as quickly as possible.
I commented that a piece of artwork made me feel warm, happy and reminded me of a more spiritual time within my life. This did not go down well with the Muumuu crowd, one of them even commenting "this work of art is designed to strike into the soul and create a feeling of awe and amazement along with tapping into our basic primal fears, obviously you are not equipped to evaluate art the same way others do". This utterly disgusted me and gave me a great urge to temporarily adopt a felonias lifestyle and insert said piece of art up her disposal chute. I composed myself and asked this obviously conceited fool "Isn't part of evaluating art to appreciate not only what the artist was trying to achieve but also what it means to you and how it affects your emotions and inner feelings". To this she had nothing to respond and simply snorted at me and walked off.
I would have loved nothing more than to be able to sit and discuss this art with her further but on a more open minded intellectual level but alas this was not to be. So i call a ban for all the Muumuu wearing, hoop loving, bead bashers from our beloved art galleries and leave those of us who appreciate not only what the artist was trying to achieve but also what meaning to us as individuals actually is.